Lithium Orotate is safer than lithium citrate or lithium carbonate because you can take less of it and still benefit from the best, safe and natural form of lithium.
If one cannot tolerate higher doses of the prescribed medical lithium due to side-effects, one might try replacing it with lithium orotate.
This natural product requires no blood tests and side-effects are pretty much non-existent
It is non-prescription and even at lower doses can be effective.
Lithium orotate is a dietary supplement that can be used in small doses to assist with conditions like manic depression, alcoholism, ADHD and ADD, depression, aggression, PTSD, Alzheimer’s Disease and stress.
Lithium Orotate:
Lithium orotate is a dietary supplement that can be used in small doses to assist with conditions like manic depression, alcoholism, ADHD and ADD, depression, aggression, PTSD, Alzheimer’s Disease and stress
Lithium orotate is so significant because many people are already taking vitamins but without the missing lithium orotate, they are less effective
Health Benefits of Lithium Orotate:
Brain Protection:
Studies show that the mineral lithium can actually rejuvenate and build the grey matter nerve cells in the brain by up to three percent.
Neuro-protection From Environmental Toxins:
Lithium has been shown to protect the system from numerous toxins, particularly in the grey matter of the brain.
Anti-Aging Effects:
Small amounts of lithium orotate have been shown to offer anti-aging effects to the brain.
Plus Sutherlandia – Africa’s most widely used herbal medicine, with its high levels of GABA (the brain neurochemical), helps improve anxiety, stress and depression levels.
This inexpensive mineral supplement is different from the prescribed drug lithium carbonate.
Lithium orotate is so significant because many people are already taking vitamins but without the missing lithium orotate, they are less effective.
Interesting facts about Lithium;
Technically, lithium is not a drug but a mineral, similar to salt.
- In fact, lithium orotate is not a drug at all. It’s actually a mineral – part of the same family of minerals that includes sodium and potassium. -Jonathan Wright, M.D., author of The Importance of Lithium Supplementation
- Medical doctors are now speaking out about the essential trace mineral known as lithium, promoting its incredible therapeutic benefits at low servings
- Shocking but true lithium is an essential trace element. -Emily Deans, M.D., (Harvard trained psychiatrist) author of Could You Have a Lithium Deficiency?
- Lithium is an essential micro-nutrient._ It is present in all organs and tissues in the body. It has similar chemical properties to that of calcium and magnesium -Mark Hyman, M.D., best-selling author of The UltraMind Solution
- Lithium is one of the most important elements in the human body -Lawrence Wilson, M.D., author of Lithium
- A study from Texas analyzed 27 state counties between the years of 1978-1987. It was discovered that the incidence of suicide, homicide, rape, drug abuse, and felonious acts was about 50% lower in the 27 counties with lithium-containing drinking water. The water had lithium levels ranging from 70-170 micrograms/L. Additionally, the study found a significant reduction in drug-related arrests within the same time period and locations.
- Lithium orotate does not require blood tests to establish a therapeutic level as prescription forms do, nor is it toxic to the kidneys like lithium pharmaceuticals. In addition. Prescription lithium is poorly absorbed by cells – Ward Dean, M.D.
- Medical doctors have found servings of lithium orotate 80-90% lower than the orthodox pharma-lithium serving for major depressive disorder, also known as clinical depression, unipolar depression, major depression, or unipolar disorder. 50-70% of patients have shown fair to good response with lithium use for depression
- Wright also testifies that: after decades of clinical research and laboratory testing of the compound on my patients, I discovered that administering lithium orotate up to 40 mg per day to be completely safe (without negative side effects or toxicity) and absolutely effective in the control of numerous mental, neurological, and physical conditions
- Lithium itself is not a drug; it’s a naturally occurring mineral salt like potassium and is something you need for proper mental and physical health. Lithium orotate may be a safe and simple way to help beat the blues. -Al Sears, M.D.
- Dean also states Lithium orotate has also been successfully used in alleviating discomfort from migraine and cluster headaches, improving low white blood cell counts, juvenile convulsive disease, alcoholism, and liver disorders. Lithium Orotate is extremely safe, with no known adverse side effects or drug interactions
- Lithium Orotate will not cause weight gain, nor will it cause sedation or sleepiness. -Ward Dean, M.D.
Health Benefits of Lithium Orotate
Brain Protection:
Studies show that the mineral lithium can actually rejuvenate and build the grey matter nerve cells in the brain by up to three percent.
Neuro-protection From Environmental Toxins:
Lithium has been shown to protect the system from numerous toxins, particularly in the grey matter of the brain.
Lithium Orotate May Also Aid:
*Lyme Disease, Low white blood cell counts. Juvenile convulsive disease, Alcoholism and liver disorders, Pain associated with migraine and cluster headaches, Hyperthyroidism and other thyroid diseases: Studies show that lithium may aid in the even distribution of iodine.
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), as well as a general stress reducer.
*Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) and aggression: Studies show that individuals taking Lithium experienced lowered levels of rage and anger, as well as improved memory.
*Alzheimer’s and dementia,
In the reduction of myopia (nearsightedness) and glaucoma: Dr. Hans Nieper found that glaucoma patients could benefit from the dehydrating effect of lithium on the eye, offering patients vision improvement and a lowering of intraocular pressure.
Bipolar disorder:
Orotates may lessen the effects of manic or depressive episodes. Lithium has been shown to serve as an effective mood balancer in 70-80 percent of bipolar patients,
Depression: the therapeutic serving of lithium orotate is 150 mg/day. This is compared to 900-1800 mg of the prescription forms. In this range of lithium orotate, there are no adverse side effects and no need for monitoring blood serum measurements.
Lithium Precautions:
Rather than attempting to self-medicate a mental imbalance with lithium orotate, speak with your health care provider for more information.
Pregnant and nursing women should not take any type of lithium supplement.
Also, lithium should not be taken by those with renal or cardiovascular diseases, severe dehydration or exhaustion, sodium depletion, or in individuals using any form of diuretics or ACE inhibitors.
Dr. Edward F. Group III, DC, ND, DACBN, DCBCN, DABFM
Please click the link to view:
7. Improves Mental Health and Overall Well-Being
Is Lithium Orotate Good or Bad for You?
by Dr. Edward Group DC, NP, DACBN, DCBCN, DABFM
Published on April 16, 2014, Last Updated on May 13, 2015
The health benefits of lithium orotate are causing an explosion in its popularity. I’ve been an advocate of lithium orotate for quite some time and have incorporated into some of my own formulations. A friend of mine, Dr. Mark Millar, is the leading authority on lithium orotate in the United States today. He published an eBook, Veteran Suicide Breakthrough: Revealing the Breakthrough Mineral for Suicide Prevention, PTSD and Depression They Definitely Don’t Want You to Know About? which is loaded with facts on lithium’s effects on the both body and brain. I’d really encourage you to check out his book and its powerful information that you’re not going to hear from any mainstream source.
I must reiterate that much of this is very controversial, disputed by the mainstream medical establishment, and should not be interpreted as claims, promises, or fodder to diagnose yourself. I am sharing this for informational purposes only! Lithium orotate is intended as a nutrient to supplement the diet. Its effects are nutritional
…… and finally, a word from Dr John Gray who brought this product to attention:
Protocol for going off antidepressants;
By John Gray (Originator of Lithium Orotate and its mighty benefits):
When going off of antidepressants it is best to reduce gradually over a two-to- six month period with the supervision of your health care provider. If they indicate that you should not reduce your antidepressant use, I would recommend finding another health provider.
One of the best ways to approach your doctor is to ask for their supervision, not permission. Let your doctor know that you are being more responsible about your diet and nutrition and you have been exercising. Then ask your doctor to supervise your reduction and end of antidepressant use over the next few months.
You will begin to feel better using this protocol. For best results follow this before going off your antidepressants and during the process of going off your antidepressants. Antidepressants are very toxic and it is important to cleanse the body as you decrease their use. After beginning the Mars Venus protocol that I have recommended to many friends and clients, you will begin to feel better within days. After feeling better for a month, begin to gradually reduce the use of antidepressants. At the minimum, use the suggestion below for at least one month before you begin to reduce the antidepressants you are taking.
After one month of using this protocol, reduce the dosage of your antidepressants by one-third for the first month. If you feel stable at the end of the first month, the next month reduce by the next third. If you continue to feel better and stable then reduce by one-half for one month and then finally completely stop taking the antidepressants. Each person is unique and this formula needs to be adapted according to your needs.
There is no hurry. You may wish to slow down and stretch out this procedure. If you have been using antidepressants or sleeping pills for five or more years it may even take six months. If you have been using antidepressants or sleeping pills for only six months then the gradual reduction may occur in one to two months.
I strongly recommend that you continue to use the suggested Mars Venus Wellness Solution program for at least six months after completely going off the use of antidepressants. Then use as needed for your continued well-being. It is best to minimize eating processed foods with corn syrup, fructose, table salt and msg. Sea salt is fine. Women need to be careful to not eat high amounts of protein. A moderate amount with every meal is suggested. Avoid all diet drinks as they also may reduce serotonin levels.
Follow this protocol for one month prior to starting to reduce your anti-depressants and while you are reducing them
- Start the day with one serving of Super Cleanse and (2) Super Minerals, (1) Lithium Orotate, (1) 5-HTP, (1) 2-AEP Membrane Complex, (1) Vectomega (Omega-3).
- After a few minutes and ideally, ten minutes of easy exercise, drink one serving of the John Gray’s Mars Venus Super Foods Shake.
Add 2 scoops of shake mix, 1 banana and 4 ice cubes to 8 oz. of water.
Then you can also add any of the following ingredients for variety:
– 1-2 tablespoons of almond butter
– a small handful of Nuts (walnuts, almonds, Brazil, or pine nuts/ raw and unsalted)
– 1 teaspoon of MCT Oil or Organic Unrefined Coconut Oil
– 1 tablespoon of Pure Cacao (organic chocolate nibs)
– 1-2 teaspoons of Maca Powder
– 1 tablespoon of Chia Gel: to make the Chia Gel, combine 1/3 cup of Chia Seeds with 2 cups of water in a small, sealable jar. Shake for 15 seconds and rest 1 minute. Shake another 15 seconds and refrigerate until it sets up like gelatin, about 10 minutes.
Mix all ingredients together in a blender. ENJOY!
***If 2 scoops of Shake does not completely satisfy your hunger for 4-5 hours, then use 3 scoops each time.
Before Lunch
(2) Super Minerals, (1) Lithium Orotate, (1) 2AEP Membrane Complex, (1) 5HTP, (1) Vectomega (Omega-3)
Before Dinner
(2) Super Minerals, (1) Lithium Orotate, (1) 2AEP Membrane Complex, (1) 5HTP, (1) Vectomega (Omega-3).
You can also mix a John Gray’s MarsVenus Super Food Shake for desert (optional)
Walking 30 minutes or more a day will ensure your success during this life-changing period. This should be easy and effortless walking which does not put you out of breath. Another great exercise is my Isoflex bounce-and-shake movements. You can watch them at YouTube here:
These small changes can make a world of difference.
You deserve a lifetime of love and happiness, John Gray