Spoil yourself this Valentine's Day!
Spoil yourself this Valentine's Day!

Diatomaceous Earth – Vegan Capsules by Bio-Sil


Diatomaceous Earth – (90 vegan-caps 480 mg each).
Pure, organic, food grade powder, natural and sundried, additive-free.

When taken internally, many health benefits have been observed – * lower cholesterol, * lower blood pressure, * arthritis pain relief, * increased energy, * more regular bowel movements, * improved hair, skin and nails, * sinus and cough relief.

When taken internally, many health benefits have been observed – * lower cholesterol, * lower blood pressure, * arthritis pain relief, * increased energy, * more regular bowel movements, * improved hair, skin and nails, * sinus and cough relief.


Diatomaceous Earth – (90 vegan-caps 480 mg each).
Pure, organic, food grade powder, natural and sundried, additive-free.

When taken internally, many health benefits have been observed – * lower cholesterol, * lower blood pressure, * arthritis pain relief, * increased energy, * more regular bowel movements, * improved hair, skin and nails, * sinus and cough relief.

Further benefits:
* anti-ageing
* immune system booster
* colon cleanser
* parasite removal
A daily supplement – it is estimated that there are more than 1,500 ways DE is beneficial to humans, plants, and animals. As a daily supplement, many believe that its most beneficial use is for internal cleansing by aiding in the elimination of intestinal parasites, which are not able to develop immunity to the mechanical action of diatomaceous earth.

Only recently have the human health benefits been discovered. Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth is not actually ‘earth’ but rather is the fossilized remains of microscopic shells created by one-celled plants called Diatoms.

DE can also detox the body. According to a top cancer researcher, it is also the best natural chelating product available for pulling heavy metals from the bloodstream.

Causes of many health issues: Many believe that the increase in the number of cases of heavy metal poisoning has occurred in part due to mercury in vaccines, fluoridated water, deodorants with aluminium, some seafood, foil wrap, cooking in aluminium cookware, soda/energy/beer aluminium cans, and a number of other ways. DE has many health benefits.

PLEASE NOTE: Not recommended during pregnancy or breastfeeding!


Interesting read :http://npic.orst.edu/factsheets/degen.html

Additional information

Weight 0,8 kg




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