Spirulina Capsules, Phase 2 – Parasite and Digestive Cleanse


Spirulina capsules are a nutrient-rich superfood made from algae, offering a high protein content and essential vitamins and minerals. They support detoxification by helping the body eliminate heavy metals and toxins, improve energy levels, and promote gut health. Spirulina is also an antioxidant, supports muscle endurance, and aids in balancing vaginal bacteria for those with recurring yeast infections. These vegan capsules are natural and free from additives or fillers, making them a versatile addition to daily health routines.

Spirulina is a nutrient-dense algae that provides a rich source of plant-based protein, iron, and essential vitamins and minerals. Known for its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, it helps support muscle strength and endurance. Spirulina may also assist in maintaining a healthy gut and support the body’s natural processes for eliminating toxins, including heavy metals. Its benefits extend to promoting overall well-being and balancing internal systems, contributing to improved energy levels and general health.



Spirulina capsules are a nutrient-rich superfood made from algae, offering a high protein content and essential vitamins and minerals. They support detoxification by helping the body eliminate heavy metals and toxins, improve energy levels, and promote gut health. Spirulina is also an antioxidant, supports muscle endurance, and aids in balancing vaginal bacteria for those with recurring yeast infections. These vegan capsules are natural and free from additives or fillers, making them a versatile addition to daily health routines.

Spirulina is a nutrient-dense algae that provides a rich source of plant-based protein, iron, and essential vitamins and minerals. Known for its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, it helps support muscle strength and endurance. Spirulina may also assist in maintaining a healthy gut and support the body’s natural processes for eliminating toxins, including heavy metals. Its benefits extend to promoting overall well-being and balancing internal systems, contributing to improved energy levels and general health.

(90 vegan capsules)

Spirulina powder in a wooden spoon Premium Photo






90 Spirulina vegan capsules
500 mg each – pure Spirulina
Not irradiated
Natural, contains no additives or fillers.



Pure Haven SA™

Pure Haven SA™

Can you overdose on spirulina?

Taking even large amounts of spirulina is unlike to cause serious harm, but it may result in digestive issues like nausea, diarrhea, bloating and cramps. Therefore, it’s best to start with a lower dosage and slowly work your way up to assess your tolerance.

Informative video by Dr Axe:

Wonderful SPIRULINA benefits:

  • High plant-sourced protein content
  • Potent source of iron, essential vitamins and minerals
  • Excellent cell regenerator
  • Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory
  • Protects against LDL cholesterol from becoming oxidised
  • Improves muscle strength, endurance and blood sugar control
  • For those who suffer from chronic yeast infections, spirulina can help balance vaginal bacteria. Similar to how spirulina attracts toxins such as heavy metals, it has the ability to also help flush candida cells out of the body
  • Helps prevent recurring yeast infections
  • Additionally, spirulina can support a healthy gut
  • Assists the body to eliminate heavy metals and other toxins

Further benefits:
*Anti-inflammatory, *antioxidant, *blood health, *energy, *health in general, *removes heavy metals, *sinus

Spirulina Testimonials

  • Spirulina is my magic food which keeps me alive, I have a small appetite and I take Spirulina every morning. It gives me energy and nutrients – keeps me going for the whole day! I love it! I could not live without it! – A C
  • Spirulina has definitely made a difference physically and mentally. I no longer get pimples, my skin is radiant, my anaemia has disappeared and I don’t feel tired and sluggish during the day. Spirulina makes me feel and look great and is now a staple part of my diet.–  M. D.


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